
55 Audio Reviews

38 w/ Responses

Wow, pretty awesome mix you got here.
Also Dat Organ. On one hand, its written so sexy.
On the other, it isn't really mixed well. Its sounds very compressed, taking up a loooot of air, pushing everything else in the mix out of the way. This isn't the greatest thing. But still, bunch of points for the writing!

I think the composition is okay, it could use a little more work, as there are a few nasty moments around 00:45. The mix could use a little work, the entire thing feels very claustrophobic and incredibly chaotic. I can barely think of what I am supposed to concentrate on really.

You have potential, just give us a break sometime to catch up.

jojoBiBop responds:

Hey i wanted to say thank you good critiques like these really help me. 🖤
Again thanks man

The intro is interesting, but I would switch out that bass synth for some sort of Cello like instrument, it just sounds flat and droning next to the piano. After that section, the lead instrument could be brought down with the rest of the instruments brought up a bit, to balance the mix. It's also a tad repetitive, but functional.
The ending however, I really really do not like, that cost you half a star. It is too abrupt an end to such a big build up. I can understand it a bit more if that is supposed to be you clicking new game, or something, but it doesn't make it less lame. I would've led that into an entire new section, throw in some midi strings Zelda style and have this big bombastic midi chorus. That, along with the mixing changes, would definitely push that classic Nintendo feel I think.

Good effort man, good effort. :)

Nice soundscape, though things get reaaallly claustrophobic and chaotic around 2:00.
Come to think of it, that may be what you are shooting for, in that case fantastic work.
Still isn't necessarily my cup of tea, unless its paired up with some sort of animation, which this really deserves.

Nice work. :D

FateModified responds:

Hey, thanks for the review!

I wasn't really trying to go for a claustrophobic feeling. My main method of making music is by adding layers with new melodies to keep the song interesting and not so repetitive-sounding. Perhaps I have too many layers in the part of the song you mentioned, and I probably should have thinned it out some there. Thanks for pointing that out. I'll keep this more in mind in the future.

Great to hear from you! :D

Sounds very Final Fantasy/Homestuckish.

Very nice job! Someone put this in a game!

Expand on all those ideas. Very song worthy, though I feel the final riff doesn't fit all that well with the others. Also if you can find out how to make your recordings cleaner for the real thing, that would be nice. C:

RokaiYotama responds:

The last one was just a last minute kind of thing put together, we're still trying to figure out what to play. With recording, this was just recorded on an ipad. All my other songs on here are done through POD Farm on my laptop, so no worries :D But thanks for the input, much appreciated.

The writing is pretty cool, really like that style but...
Oh god, the low frequencies are crying. They are being so ignored in this track, everything sounds so damn tinny. ; ^ ;

Mnargl responds:

Made a new version

There are some really cool ideas, I really like the percussion and bass, but it feels like there is waaay too much reverb. Too much reverb that really clogs stuff up. It doesn't help that everything is extremely busy all at once. There are some really interesting ideas here though, you should definitely work on it a bit more. c:

jojoBiBop responds:

Aw it just sounds good to me i don't know why i like music like this lol but you're right, redo accepted.

and ty.

Don't mind me, just a person. I do things from time to time.

Age 29, Female


That Old Trash Bin


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